Saturday, 26 May 2007

Thank goodness it's half term

And typically the weather is crap!
Spending the time trying to get my head round maths - got new job and been put in charge of maths. Looking forward to it!

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Switching from secondary to primary interview for TES

I was emailed a couple of weeks ago asking if I'd be interviewed for an article for TES on this. Well I mentioned it to Jo, who was quick off the mark and got her interview done on Thursday. So I emailed the journalist to bring mine forward, had said to do it on Tuesday as the kids are at grandparents! But touch of green with envy meant I had to get mine done too!
4:30 pm on the dot the phone rang, the house was strangly quiet (so different from what it is now - Katy has just kicked Fred over an argument about library books - that's another post!)

He asked lots of questions and I'm sure somewhere I've embarrassed myself - everytime I mentioned a job move, or change it was related to the dropping of a sprog! He kept laughing, so I think I said something interesting or just sounded mad!
Then he said would you consider going back, which is when I started laughing and had to confess I'd gone for a job as transition teacher - then we got onto discussing transition and I was off on one!
49 minutes we talked for! Must be a record! So I post on TES to se if Ronan's managed to talk for that long on one of his TES interviews, and Tafkam says he wants to be interviwed as he could upset both primary and secondary teachers in one fell swoop!
Naughty Tafkam - yes I did email him the TES journalists contact details! ;)

I nearly attacked the postman!

I saw him waddling down the drive, yawning, and clutching a large white package. It's my book I shout to the kids. It is I know it is I yell.
I expect a knock at the door, from what I could see of it, it was quite a big package then I heard it. His moans and groans as he tries to stuff it through the letter-box. I jump up. I run and open the front door, screams of "what do you think you are doing?" "That's my book, I'm in that book, a whole chapter! Be careful with that book!"
He looks at me blankly.
"Will you try and help me get this out of my letterbox? You've jammed it in! Why didn't you just knock the door? Do you know how important this book is?"
He removed it and handed it over.
Then just stood there.
You don't think he was waiting for me to show him the book do you?

Friday, 30 March 2007


I was 1992 runner-up of Cosmo's New Writer of the Year - the article they published was totally fictious - it was about living as a girly student in a house of blokes (real life I was married with a two year old and expecting my second child - who actually dropped into the world, six weeks before my second years exams!)
I then got myself a Literary Agent, and usual story never quite made it - well when I look back, it was a novel about a girl who had to resort to working as a phone line worker who fell in love with Clive the hunchback dwarf who ran this perverted underground world but on realising her daughter would not get the life she deserved - she burnt the building down, destroying the sex-line industry and Clive! Who dies in the blaze... (erm......)
I got my agent at the same time as Martina Cole (Darley Anderson), she made it - I didn't - teaching kind of got in the way, in a lovely way of course!

Congratulations to Ronan

As a regular Tes poster in the Primary staffroom, it was lovely to hear that Ronan got his Headship post - can't think of a nicer, more caring and inspiring Head!
Good luck Ronan, you'll be amazing!
Only thing now is to persuade Dazza d to go for a headship - another insiring person who makes such a difference!

It's oh so quiet.....

Here in my house, we've fallen out - you see! Back in separate beds and icicles appear whenever we are in the same room. To describe the atmosphere as frosty is an under-statement, the temperature in here is at antarctic levels! I haven't dared take off my coat for the fear of frostbite!

If you know me in real life, you'll understand that keeping quiet for me is rather a huge challenge but I have managed it once for two hours when I was observing a governors meeting before I became a governor so I know I can do it. However, can I actually manage it for two weeks? Now that will be a challenge!

At least if he isn't talking to me, there will be no toe jam challenges or socks stuffed into my mouth! Things might not be so awful afterall!

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Anyone Who Understand Computers has a massive IQ

Especially if they happen to be called Bauble. Your brain must be so big, did your mum feed you lots of spinich when you were little?
What would I have done without your help this afternoon? I have one huge headache and my bidding on ebay must go on - bidding for some tyres now. Why can't it be something exciting? Crumbs just realised where the seller is - he's in Cambridge!!!!! Guess that's a day trip out with the kids, I say day out, last time we went to buy an ebay purchase, they only got out of the car to have a wee -never mind he said, at least they saw Stonehenge - yes dear a flitting glance from a car!
Still at least it resulted in us having a nitrous sytem fixed to our Discovery....

The consequences of telling others about Toe Jam

INFET posters - just giving you a little mention! I feel that I must apologise for those of you who read this blog hoping that it would inspire and be full of educational wisdom. I am sorry that I disappointed you all, and that the post on Toe Jam subsequently amused you on INFET yesterday afternoon. Please may I point out to you that this blog is for my amusement - that's right MY amusement only and you are totally out of order having fun over the horror that I suffered during the toe jam ordeal.
I do not even want to tell you the consequences of my writing about the toe jam incident were, but it involved him taking off his socks, which were like a wet dish cloth, and stuffing them into my mouth. It's all fun and games here!

Separate beds

Due to my postings about toe jam and continual carrying round of a clipboard, to note down an amusing or witty comments - we are sleeping in separate beds and it was lovely. I had the best night's sleep I have ever had, no gagging as he breaks wind for the fiftieth time, no pulling the quilt back, no feeling winded as his arm falls heavily on my chest - nothing but blissful sleep. I don't think he snored either, he looked like a cute little baby all alone in that king size bed, spread out, taking all of it up and better still......

He woke up in a good mood! So separate beds it is!

It's like being in the Big Brother House

Yes, those were his exact words, as I reached for my pencil case and clipboard to note down the joke he just made. Will you stop posting about me on your stupid teacher blog he ranted. I explained that this blog was nothing about teaching, more about an insight into my world and my actual real blog was about a particular educational issue so would have nothing about him in it. I think he was pacified, especially when I explained that lots of people found it very entertaining, and then I engaged him in chat about what he was watching on ebay. To make it up to him , I am watching ebay for him all day and keeping him informed of bidding.

My kids made me this amazing mother's day card with pictures of ALL the things I like - erm not sure what they meant by some of them - picture of 5 kids next to a 3 letter word - what was that all about? The things 14 year olds think amusing!

Saturday, 17 March 2007

I wish he fixed things that quickly round the house!

My husband has his on engineering business that involves him getting covered in oil and usually having to apologise to the sales assistant in Sainsburys about his dirty hands, whilst paying for our shopping. Last night after picking me up from work, he had to see a customer which meant we had to go back to his workshop which I was up for because he's building a beach buggy out of a beetle.
He had picked up the beetle on Monday, and there by Friday was something that did indeed look like a beach buggy. Wow what a fast worker! But why can't he work that quickly with jobs that need doing round the house?
A good example is the kitchen ceiling, massive hole in the plaster and still not fixed. Follow this link for the story behind the kitchen ceiling, I would not give it justice by explaining it here but this thread still makes me laugh.

Yes the kitchen ceiling really did fall on my head, and yes I went to work suffering from concussion only to be taken by my TA to the NHS drop in centre, who sent me home to recover for two days.

Thursday, 15 March 2007

More jam! Of the musical variety.

My eyes are tired, I yawn and sigh. I am enraged, and not amused. The sound of free-form jazz, merry talk and laughter flows through the walls from next door. My husband snores on, oblivious to the fact that our neighbours are jamming again.
Next door neighbours, who'd have them? Well we've got ours, a classically trained concert pianist and a Californian drummer called Ted. They used to be the perfect neighbours but that was when they both worked on cruise ships.
It is 3:23 am, it has been quiet for 10 minutes, is it possible they have worn themselves out? Have they finally stopped? Why does the pounding continue inside my head? Oh, why do I live next door to a concert pianist and a Californian drummer called Ted?

The toe jam challenge

With reference to non-cross contamination of foot fungus left and foot fungus right.

Last night, after dinner I was subjected to the most awful task, I was forced to rub my husband's feet. The experience of my little left pinkie between the sweaty toes of his left foot was an experience which was awful and dread consumed me, as I knew the toes on his right foot were eagerly waiting.
"Suffer for your blog!" he laughed evily, as I wretched, his toes all sticky and the smell of his feet filling the room. "Now, do my right toes," he demanded, "I've just gone back to work after an operation. If you loved me you'd show me some attention."
So knowing the fate that awaited it, my poor right pinkie began the deed - in between the little toe rubbing gently, covering itself in toe jam.
I knew what was coming next, "Smell your fingers, go on," he urged then in a playful manner, grabbed me and my fingers got closer and closer to my nose - the smell of toe jam overwhelmed me. "Get me a bowl!" I wretched.
Just in time, it arrived and was soon filled with my sick.
I have suffered for this blog, I confess that I couldn't help the quick glance down into the bowl - no carrots but there were definitely spring onions!

Ronan's podcast to American school

* Click here to listen to our Podcast from the first live chat session with our American school link.

Ronan's going to be pleased he gets his own entry on my blog! ;)

Bored waiting to hear from Ronan

was getting fed up emailing and waiting for Ronan's reply, hubby as nagging me to turn off the computer - we have a rule in our house that my TES addiction does not take over in the evening. I put on my mum hat and spend time ith the kids.
Katy told me about her day, she's six and was very excited as Daddy had been to her "read Your Child A Story" day, her version of the time spent with Daddy was very different to his. According to him, she's a water guzzling monster who doesn't sit still long enough to enjoy a story. I never have any problems reading to her but we do tend to only read books with a fairy theme - what does he expect? Choosing a non-fiction book on cars!
Fred's got toothache again, my fault it's in my genes I'm afraid - it was the poor diet of my mining ancestors in the coalmines of Lanarkshire.
Got an email from Ronan this morning with a link to their live pod-cast with children in America - can't wait for my class to hear it!
I think he's refused my request for him to do a blog, reckons he doesn't have time! Yeah, right, you chicken!
Faced with problems on our software development, Michael is snowed under with his work for Ros Wilson and has to put our stuff on hold. I posted on ICT to see if I could find someone, emails are coming in but as my software knowledge is completely back in the dark ages, I need an interpreter to help me understand them!
In case, you don't know who Ros Wilson is - or try a search on TES if you are interested in developing writing in your school.

Will Ronan resist the challenge?

Ha ha ha, will Ronan resist that challenge?
I mean his blog would be so boring, year 6 SATS predictions and ICT - yawn, yawn!
Yes, Ronan thinks it's going to be a blog in the SATS reading test, so put your money where you mouth is and take on my challenge!

tee hee hee, blogging is going to be such fun!

Hi there

On Tes, my username is juliateacher, and you'll find me in the primary staffroom - offering advice and generally helping out in there. I also run a resources website with Trinity0097, people don't believe me when I explain that it's all run through instant messenger on aol and email. I have never met her or even spoken to her on the phone but the resources website seems to run very well despited our strange method of communication - still it is the 21st century and it seems the way things go - why talk when you can email or instant message and add cute smileys and things!
We have recently teamed up with Michael from to develop software to enable level 3 writers move into level 4 and our Monster Complication Connectives software is being uploaded tonight to and so I will be online hoping for positive feedback in the primary forum whilst making Easter resources for a display my Headteacher wants me to do in our entrance hall. This I hope to sell on our website to raise Monday for our soon to be launched Breakfast Club - so for lent I am giving money away to a good cause - do any of you know how many Breakfast Clubs run at a deficit? So hopefully by doing this and regularly selling items as a fundraiser may help the project stay afloat and in credit!
Hopefully, in this blog you will be able to follow the ups and downs as I try to become an educational writer! I am working on an article on Effective Transition that will hopefully feature in TES in one form or another?
How addicted am I to TES? Ermmmmmm VERY!!!!! I live, breathe and sleep TES. I have been fortunate to make some amazing friends, all communicated by email or instant messaging! Talk on the phone me never, even when the great Ronan gives me his phone number, do I want him to spot my Brummie tones - so obvious on the phone!! Our Link Inspector located me to within 5 miles of where I was brought up which isn't bad - must be why he's an inspector and I'm just a year 5 class teacher!
Best wishes and I hope you like the blog!