Friday, 30 March 2007

It's oh so quiet.....

Here in my house, we've fallen out - you see! Back in separate beds and icicles appear whenever we are in the same room. To describe the atmosphere as frosty is an under-statement, the temperature in here is at antarctic levels! I haven't dared take off my coat for the fear of frostbite!

If you know me in real life, you'll understand that keeping quiet for me is rather a huge challenge but I have managed it once for two hours when I was observing a governors meeting before I became a governor so I know I can do it. However, can I actually manage it for two weeks? Now that will be a challenge!

At least if he isn't talking to me, there will be no toe jam challenges or socks stuffed into my mouth! Things might not be so awful afterall!

1 comment:

tired25 said...

Some things should be kept personal. How does your husband feel about displaying your problems on the web?