Saturday 17 March 2007

I wish he fixed things that quickly round the house!

My husband has his on engineering business that involves him getting covered in oil and usually having to apologise to the sales assistant in Sainsburys about his dirty hands, whilst paying for our shopping. Last night after picking me up from work, he had to see a customer which meant we had to go back to his workshop which I was up for because he's building a beach buggy out of a beetle.
He had picked up the beetle on Monday, and there by Friday was something that did indeed look like a beach buggy. Wow what a fast worker! But why can't he work that quickly with jobs that need doing round the house?
A good example is the kitchen ceiling, massive hole in the plaster and still not fixed. Follow this link for the story behind the kitchen ceiling, I would not give it justice by explaining it here but this thread still makes me laugh.

Yes the kitchen ceiling really did fall on my head, and yes I went to work suffering from concussion only to be taken by my TA to the NHS drop in centre, who sent me home to recover for two days.

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